Words Worth Blog

Monthly Archives: November 2015

Is teaching grammar to ESL (English as a Second Language) learners important?

Teaching formal grammar helps in making such learners aware about the structures and patterns in the target language. This awareness enables them to pay attention to the form and structure of the target language and notice their own speech patterns that have been internalized in the said language. This exposure to ‘formal grammar’ teaching – … Continue reading Is teaching grammar to ESL (English as a Second Language) learners important?

Recording the Learners’ Performance During ASL (Assessment of Speaking and Listening) Tests

Assessment of Speaking and Listening (ASL) is a test formulated by CBSE with an aim to improve and standardize the listening and speaking skills of learners of English. This test is conducted for the learners in schools that are affiliated to this board. Testing of speaking and listening is ideally an ongoing process, wherein the … Continue reading Recording the Learners’ Performance During ASL (Assessment of Speaking and Listening) Tests

Value of English Language Skills and Personal Appearance for Professional Success

Success in the professional world depends upon a number of factors. Confidence, appearance, language skills and attitude are just a few such attributes to mention. The personality of an individual is defined by these success determining factors. Some of these have been recognised and addressed to a reasonable degree, both by professional institutes and by … Continue reading Value of English Language Skills and Personal Appearance for Professional Success