Words Worth Blog

Academic Support for Teaching as a Second Language

Academic support is a term used to refer to the range of services and resources that a school or institute provides to its learners with an intention to enhance their learning and academic experiences. These could be provided to learners at an individual level, to a specific grade as a whole, or to a specially identified group with special learning needs.

Academic support may be extended in the form of a variety of instructional methods used to meet the needs of different kinds of learners. These could be classroom based strategies implemented by the teacher, done by adjusting the teaching content according to the learners’ needs, or it could be after school activities designed to provide remedial work to the academically challenged learners.

Academic support may also be provided by a school for the learners of English, by establishing digital language labs to teach English as a Second language. The opportunities created to enhance the language skills using pre-designed audio-visual content allow the learners to accelerate the learning gaps they may have accumulated for their grade level. This academic support of providing a digital language lab is usually used to complement the learning objectives of their school curriculum. In specially allotted periods, the learners build upon their language skills with or without the support of a teacher.

Visually stimulating lessons and audio based sessions give the learners access to language teaching-learning content that facilitates easier grasping of language concepts.

Words Worth English language lab, one such digital language lab helps the ESL learner with ample content to develop language skills. Using blended methodology to teach language skills, this language lab comprises of separate software for the teachers and learners.

The learners are taught language concepts by the teacher using classroom-based teaching software. This interactive session is then followed by a one to one computer based learning software used by learners to practice the language concepts studied in class. This academic support lets the learner practice at his/her own pace and progress in acquiring English language is greatly accelerated. Over a period of time the learners catch up with their peers and meet the learning standards expected at their age or grade.

Academic support may also be provided by a school for other educational goals purposes like, relationship building between teachers and learners, imparting skills like reading and writing, or to meet the academic challenges of learners with special needs. Supplementary or additional classes, vacation-based strategies or outside of school programmes arranged for such purposes also form part of academic support for the overall cause of educational needs of the learners.