Words Worth Blog

The Need for an English Language Laboratory in an Educational Institution

The importance of English language cannot be mitigated even if so desired. It is almost necessary that a learner has a good command over the language to allow him overall success in life. Having clarity and accuracy of the English language gives confidence to the learner and opens doors to avenues otherwise out of reach. His/her understanding of the nuances of the English language serves as a platform to rise and evolve in his life and career. It is thus vital, that provisions be made to enhance the skills of the learners of this global language.

The onus of English language enhancement among learners lies with the institution. Besides appointing efficient teachers, an institute can make arrangements to set-up a good digital English language lab for the use of its learners.

A good English language lab when established and used by an institute can do wonders for the learners. The learners develop a continuous interest to learn the language as it encourages them to understand it and facilitates the understanding of the concepts of the language.

English language labs are designed to provide the learners with a strong platform for practical training in the language. A good language lab skilfully and efficiently develops the language skills of the learners.  They are exposed to functional language in use and are familiarised with the many pronunciation styles that are vital in everyday usage of the English language in today’s world.

When a blended methodology of language teaching is adopted in a language lab, the human touch brought in by a physical teacher (during the classroom section of the language lab) ensures a live delivery of language concepts. These concepts are discussed and where need be demonstrated by the teacher before the learners proceed to practice them individually in the computer based section of the language lab. Learners hence get ample scope for practice and internalization of language concepts. Language labs also provide scope for using English language through games and practice exercises to polish concepts learnt during classroom sessions.

The need for having a language lab is being widely recognised by the English language academia. Schools and colleges across the country are opening up to the idea of establishing language labs for the future benefit of their learners.