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Tag Archives: english language lab

Relation between Language learning and Interactive Activities

Language learning and interaction are strongly linked with each other. Of the four language learning skills, listening and speaking are perhaps the most important if proficiency in communicative skills in a particular language has to be achieved. This is why interactive sessions using role play or group discussion is highly recommended as a language teaching … Continue reading Relation between Language learning and Interactive Activities

Is teaching grammar to ESL (English as a Second Language) learners important?

Teaching formal grammar helps in making such learners aware about the structures and patterns in the target language. This awareness enables them to pay attention to the form and structure of the target language and notice their own speech patterns that have been internalized in the said language. This exposure to ‘formal grammar’ teaching – … Continue reading Is teaching grammar to ESL (English as a Second Language) learners important?

Elicitation and English Language Learning

Elicitation is the technique that a teacher uses to make learners to participate actively in the classroom. When he/she is asking questions instead of providing information to the learners, he/she is eliciting.